supported by Bayer
20 000 pln
Whether you focus on mindfulness and self-esteem or psychological disorders, preventing or healing or on promoting the importance of mental self-care, remember that investing in mental health requires a multi-sectoral and integrated approach.
Take matters into your own hands and help others manage stress and take care of their mental health as best they can. This is the time for YOU, everyone needs support in this area, even if they don't openly admit it.
Are you up to the challenge?
*Projects can be submitted in English only!

supported by GovTech
120 000 pln
The gaming category is going to develop our special mission … which is the EDUCATION THEME. You can make every form of the game that is related to education. Feel free and do whatever you can imagine making a great educational game.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Support Polish Entrepreneurship!
70 000 pln
The participants will be tasked with building a generator that will enable Polish companies to search available support, donation and investment programmes that are compatible with their tax identification number (NIP) and profile. Additionally, the generator should indicate possible development opportunities in the area of 3W (water-hydrogen-carbon).
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Pet Share!
30 000 pln
Apps that allow to share excess food, clothes and accessories for humans already exist… But how about pets? Well, now it is time to create one!
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

30 000 pln
Using the data available in BIK Open API for the city of Łódź, create a solution (working prototype , mockup or scoring definition), thanks to which it will be possible to verify (or, for example, compare with another location) the potential of the location to live as a future resident or locate a company - as an owner, shop, parcel pickup point…. Or maybe You have a better idea what to score with the data that we provide?
Missing a dimension? ... suggest what data and how can be added from publicly available sources and add them to our catalogue to improve your solution.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

60 000 pln
Currently, financial market entities are subject to many different reporting obligations and Preparation of this type of information sometimes requires a lot of effort. We'll change it! We want to simplify and automate these processes as much as possible, which will allow to optimize these activities required by law
Your task is to construct a solution based on a blockchain network (Hyperledger Fabric ver.2.x) serving as a communication node between the supervisory authority and financial market entities. The designed tool should use an API enabling confidential two-way communication.
Before starting the challenge, check our tips on how to prepare the environment for the task, which we have added in the material "How to prepare the environment for the task". In accordance with the rules of the hackathon, we will provide details about the task and our expectations only at the start of the event. Then we will also add a sample database that will be the input data for the task.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Ministerstwo Finansów
60 000 pln
Build new elements of the digital world of taxes with us. When the file is hiding the content, uncover structures, signatures, formats. Use the Opener to get at the file, get rid of what is unnecessary and get the important content out of it . Show it in a user friendly way. Let us hide what should be hidden. Let us use the Opener to examine all files.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Ministerstwo Finansów
Navigare necesse est*
60 000 pln
For years, millions of relatively small business sailors have been sailing on the huge sea of the Polish economy, alongside the real giants. They constantly take up the challenges of the present day and consistently pursue their goals.
A new task awaits them soon. To ensure transparency and fair conditions for all participants of the market game, each entrepreneur will periodically send on a digital journey a data packet about his business achievements in a given month.
Help us build a solid ship and mark out a wide, comfortable route through which the smallest entrepreneurs will be able to easily and safely provide us with monthly information.
Aware that creating something simple and useful at the same time can usually be very difficult, we hope that taking up this challenge will be an opportunity for you to test the limits of your imagination and programming skills. Compete with the best programmers and ... help business sailors safely reach the next port.
* "Sailing is a must" - Pompey the Great.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej
Knowledge-oriented search engine algorithm
60 000 pln
Rummage the wealth of knowledge in the IPN open resources and work out a concept of a search engine allowing the internet users – from baby boomers to generation Y – to discover modern Polish history after the year 1917. What we’re looking for is interesting and creative data screening solutions and exciting ways of results presentation.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish

Hydrogen Challenge - Data Optimisation
60 000 pln
Help us to prepare decarbonisation – develop whole hydrogen value chain - in Świętokrzyskie Kopalnie Surowców Mineralnych that belongs to ARP Group. The challenge will be to help to reduce carbon footprint with hydrogen and to develop software that provides the right amount of hydrogen for various segments of use at different times (f.ex. day or night) while optimising investment costs. In this challenge you will see data for electrolysis, hydrogen magasines, and for enormous vehicles that are in use in mines and are using gros amount of diesel.
*Projects can be submitted in English and Polish